Thursday, March 7, 2013

Video from Class 2/28 and Other Examples

When viewing a source direct from the media we must take into account the flaws one might find within. The segment we viewed in class last week however, had more to do with research than opinion.  I found it quite interesting that elementary school children found an asian man nicer than a man in a turban. It goes to show the affects 9/11 has had on children, or possibly even their parents. The next two pictures displayed unfortunately made me laugh, simply because they described the picture of Timothy Mcveigh as a man who was probably just upset about something. Understatement of the year. With the later trials they did using computers, I found the results extremely astonishing. Subjects who were black were even more shocked to hear that they were racist towards other blacks according to their lingering subconscious. Another test showed that when given a series of people holding something in different locations, the response times for pictures of white men were longer than for the others. A white man holding a gun near a fountain was sometimes found good by the test subjects, while a black man in front of diner holding a sandwich wrapped in tinfoil was instantly marked as bad by many of them. 
Below I've placed a video of an experiment done by ABC news. They stage a scene with a Muslim woman being denied service by the man behind the counter, and watch to see the customers reactions. The first customer shockingly applauds the cashiers actions. Though she is American, the woman later admits to being both verbally and physically attacked throughout her life, simply because she appears as being different to their ideal standard. The other customers shout and walk out in disgust.   One man even talks about his son's contribution to the war effort, defends the woman, and threatens to tell other people in the area to avoid the establishment. Another female customer comes in appearing "more American" according to said standards, and fights on the originally subjects behalf. She too, is Muslim, yet she is not facing the same discriminatory actions simply because she is not wearing traditional religious clothing. I felt a sense of pride come over me for those who stood up for her. I did find it interesting that the first customer was older in age and held a bit of a southern twang. This being the customer that gave the cashier a thumbs up to his discriminatory actions. The females however, all fought on her behalf, and the man who had no twang, and a son in the Army stood by her as well. 
Experiments like this one are attempted regularly, and unfortunately it may take a hidden camera to help us face the sad reality that is today's America. While we've overcome a lot through the years, obstacles and hardships come about, and scapegoats are made.

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